Wallets, Pencil Cases and Watches Made from (Almost) Paper – Meet Paprcuts
Time:2018-04-11 From:
Startup company Paprcuts from Berlin create and sell fashion accessories like wallets and watches from paper-resembling material Tyvek.
We all use paper in all sorts and shapes every day. Be it for writing letters, taking notes, unpacking packages, or drying your hands after washing them in a public restroom. Paper is omnipresent – for a good reason. Being one of the most flexible, reusable, and versatile materials available, paper has now become the key ingredient for a line of products that would’ve been thought of as impossible just a few years ago: fashion accessories.
Berlin-based startup company Paprcuts has already been around since 2012 and successfully built their brand on paper-printed wallets, tobacco pouches, cosmetic bags, and as of recently watches. Yes, you’ve read correctly – watches made of paper. Except that it’s not really paper they’re using but Tyvek.
Why Call Yourself Paprcuts Then?
So, the company is called Paprcuts without actually using paper, but why does the name work anyway? Well, first of all it sounds much nicer than Tyvekcuts. Secondly, Tyvek is sort of like paper in regard to how it looks and feels. The only notable difference is that Tyvek is not sourced from wood like paper but consists of some form of polyethylene fibers thus making it basically plastic. It’s just as light-weight as paper and shares its trait that it can be written and printed on. But when it comes to durability, Tyvek is the far superior material making it the perfect selection for accessories like the ones Paprcuts makes.
That is why Tyvek is also often used in lab coats and things alike. Beyond being super-durable while remaining really thin, the material is also water-resistant, making it even more useful, especially for a smartphone sleeve.
Tyvek Is the New Leather
While all of Paprcuts’ products feature unique and beautiful print designs, one stands out among them: The Paprcuts watch is exactly what it sounds like. A functioning watch with all electronic parts needed inside a shell of Tyvek making the watch more or less look and feel like a paper bracelet which makes it such a fun invention.
Besides cool designs and high-tech materials, Paprcuts heavily relies on sustainable production methods. Tyvek consisting of recycled materials is great by itself but what makes their products even better is that they’re regionally sourced and assembled. The materials are produced in Luxembourg, the printing and assembly is done in and around Berlin.
With all that in mind, do you like the idea of a sustainable and regionally sourced (almost) paper wallet, tobacco pouch, or watch? Tell us in the comments!